Terraforming Mars: Amazonis & Vastitas

Explore the ancient sea of Vastitas Borealis, or play the larger Amazonis map with longer global parameters! Each map depicts a new region of Mars, with new placement bonuses, ocean areas, and new sets of milestones and awards.

NOTE: Includes 2 additional ocean tiles, 13 cities/greeneries, 1 Standard Project tile, and 1 optional Venus board with a longer Venus track.

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Science Fiction

Terraforming Mars: Amazonis & Vastitas Terraforming Mars

  • Jacob Fryxelius
Year Relased:

Explore the ancient sea of Vastitas Borealis, or play the larger Amazonis map with longer global parameters! Each map depicts a new region of Mars, with new placement bonuses, ocean areas, and new sets of milestones and awards.


This map takes it’s name from the lava plains west of the mighty Olympus Mons. This area is highlighted by energy bonuses and is extremely flat and smooth compared to the mountains and craters covering much of Mars. This larger map features longer global parameters for a better 4-5 player experience. Or maybe you just want more space to settle and more terraforming for yourself. Here you also find wild resource bonuses that give you any standard resource. The delegate bonuses let you place delegates for free from the Reserve (ignore if not playing with Turmoil). Noctis City may be placed without its restriction, and volcanic areas are highlighted: Olympus Mons, Ascreaus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons and Hecates Tholus.
NOTE: Includes 2 additional ocean tiles, 13 cities/greeneries, 1 Standard Project tile, and 1 optional Venus board with a longer Venus track.

TERRAN – 5 Earth tags.
LANDSHAPER – 1 greenery tile, 1 special tile, and 1 city tile (do not need to be adjacent to each other).
MERCHANT – 3 of each standard resource.
SPONSOR – 3 cards in play costing 20 M€ or more.
LOBBYIST – all 7 delegates in play (no delegate in the Lobby or Reserve).

Collector – most types of resources, both on player board and cards (e.g. different kinds of microbes only count as 1 type of resource).
Innovator – most played cards (event cards also count!).
Constructor – most colonies and city tiles.
Manufacturer – most steel and heat production combined.
Physicist – most science and space tags.


Vastitas Borealis is a lowland covering a large part of Mars’ northern hemisphere. This was once a large ocean! The map centers around the North Pole, mostly consisting of water ice. On top of that, there is a layer of frozen carbon dioxide which is released when you place a tile there. This increases the temperature one step, but costs you 4 M€. The earliest landing sites on Mars, Viking 1 and Viking 2, let you place a delegate for free from the Reserve (ignore if not playing with Turmoil). The Vastitas map does not have the Noctis region, so Noctis City may be placed without its restriction. It does, however, have four volcanic areas where tiles like Lava Flows may be placed: Hecates Tholus, Elysium Mons, Alba Mons, and Uranius Tholus.

AGRONOMIST – 4 plant tags.
ENGINEER – 10 production of energy and heat combined.
SPACEFARER – 4 space tags.
GEOLOGIST – 3 tiles on, or adjacent to, volcanic areas (any tile covering a volcanic area could be marked with a gold cube until this milestone is claimed).
FARMER – 5 animal and microbe resources combined.

Traveller – most Jovian and Earth tags.
Landscaper – most connected tiles (each player counts his/her largest group of tiles).
Highlander – most tiles not adjacent to ocean.
Promoter – most event cards played.
Blacksmith – highest production of steel and titanium combined.


Overall Rating
Based on over -- ratings on
This takes the number of official maps from 3 to 7--that's a big jump! I love the variety, and especially the larger map, and I think I likely have enough maps now.
Purchased the cardboard version with the additional box for storage. As I had previously said with Hellas & Elysium: Having 2 new board layouts is an excellent thing. Beyond that, players will evaluate the cards differently with the different awards and milestones. This is a huge value for people who play Terraforming Mars regularly. I like the Utopia & Cimmeria boards more than the Planitia & Borealis boards because they don't involve Turmoil and I don't think I've ever played a 4 - 5 player game or Terraforming Mars. It's really great to have a box that fits all of the boards nicely and neatly and it even comes with two tuck boxes to store cards.

Is this a good fit for you?

You will love this expansion if :

  • You want a longer game for 2-3 players
  • More generations when playing 4-5 players
  • You want new milestones and awards to strive for


Amazonis & Vastitas Rule Sheet
Amazonis & Vastitas Rule Sheet

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