Fate – Sindra & Finkel

This is an expansion for Fate – Defenders of Grimheim. It cannot be played by itself.

This expansion adds two heroes to Fate, both mages, but very different from one another.

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19.65 $
19.65 $
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Fate - Sindra & Finkel Fate

  • Jonathan Fryxelius
Year Relased:

This is an expansion for Fate – Defenders of Grimheim. It cannot be played by itself.


The oldest of the Elders, Sindra has kept herself active for almost a century, still going strong. On the surface, she is the sweetest of grannies, always with a stash of newly baked cookies for the youngsters flocking around her when she tells tales of old. But something has changed recently, and it appears her secret past is catchinng up with her. A past she didn’t want to revisit, but which may be necessary to protect Grimheim. Her dormant magic powers are awakening, levitating rocks around her. Her alchemy is real, and her resistance to the threat against Grimheim is fierce. The ground shakes as she taps with her staff. Lava bursts out of the ground to devour her enemies. The villagers are increasingly happy she is on their side.


This hot-tempered young man is an elf from Wintherskog in the North, a chilling place where his pyrotechnical magic skills were much more appreciated then thy have been yet in Grimheim. Granted, the elders see much potential in his powers, but his recklessness and lack of self-control is a bad omen. Now, with an onslaught of monsters rushing to crush our village, they’ve let him roam freely, knowing the risk that entails. It didn’t take longuntil the skies turned black and lightning bolts started to amass wherever he ran. Could this be the son of Thor? Or is it merely an unwittingly powerful man who – whether he likes it or not – controls both fire and wind?


This expansion adds two heroes to Fate, both mages, but very different from one another.





19,65 $
Total:19,65 $