Terraforming Mars: Milestones & Awards

This set of 70 milestone and award tokens lets you randomize or customize your 5 milestones and awards for each game.

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Science Fiction

Terraforming Mars: Milestones & Awards Terraforming Mars

  • Jacob Fryxelius
Year Relased:

This set of 70 milestone and award tokens lets you randomize or customize your 5 milestones and awards for each game.


Before dealing any cards to the players, choose (randomly or not) 5 Milestone tiles and 5 Award tiles to replace the ones printed on the game board. If playing with the Venus expansion, always add Venuphile and Hoverlord as normal.

Briber: Pay 12 M€ to receive this milestone, in addition to the normal claim cost of 8 M€ (so, 20 M€ total).
Builder: 7 building tags.
Coastguard: 3 tiles adjacent to ocean.
Diversifier: 8 different tags.
Ecologist: 4 bio tags.
Energizer: 6 energy production.
Engineer: 10 energy production and heat production combined.
Farmer: 5 animal and microbe resources combined.
Forester: 3 plant production.
Fundraiser: 12 M€ production.
Gardener: 3 greeneries.
Generalist: 1 production of each resource. (If you play without the Corporate Era, you need 2 production of each resource instead.)
Geologist: 3 tiles on, or adjacent to, volcanic areas (marked with bold text on the maps). If playing with a map without volcanic areas, replace this milestone.
Hydrologist: Having placed 4 oceans. (Place owner markers on each ocean until claimed. This owner marker does not make the ocean tile yours, though.)
Landshaper: 1 city, 1 greenery, and 1 special tile.
Legend: 4 event cards.
Lobbyist: Having all your 7 delegates in parties (Party Leaders and Chairman also count).
Mayor: 3 cities.
Merchant: 2 of each standard resource (after paying the claim cost).
Metallurgist: 6 steel production and titanium production combined.
Philantropist: 5 cards with non-negative VP. (Cards that count 1 VP per 2 microbes or similar cards also count.)
Pioneer: 4 colonies.
Planetologist: 2 Earth tags, 2 Venus tags, and 2 Jovian tags.
Planner: 16 cards in hand (when claiming this milestone).
Producer: Combined total production of at least 16. Not all types need to be represented, and negative M€ production subtracts from the total.
Researcher: 4 science tags.
Rim settler: 3 Jovian tags.
Spacefarer: 4 space tags.
Sponsor: 3 cards with a cost of 20 M€ or more.
Tactician: 4 cards with requirements.
Terraformer: 29 TR.
Terran: 5 Earth tags.
Thawer: Having raised temperature 5 times. (Mark with your player marker on the temperature track each time you raise temperature until claimed.)
Trader: 3 different types of resources on cards.

Facedown cards (events) and their tags are never counted, unless specified. A wild tag does not count when determining Award winners.
Administrator: Most cards with no tags (don’t forget the corporation and Prelude cards).
Banker: Highest M€ production.
Benefactor: Highest TR. If you play with this Award, count it before all other Awards and Milestones!
Biologist: Most bio tags combined (plant, microbe, and animal).
Botanist: Highest plant production.
Celebrity: Most cards that have a cost of 20 M€ or more.
Collector: Most different types of resources, both on your player board and on your cards.
Constructor: Most colonies and cities combined.
Contractor: Most building tags.
Cultivator: Most greeneries.
Electrician: Most power tags.
Estate Dealer: Most tiles next to ocean.
Excentric: Most resources on cards.
Forecaster: Most cards with requirements.
Founder: Most tiles adjacent to special tiles.
Highlander: Most tiles not adjacent to ocean.
Incorporator: Most cards costing 10 M€ or less.
Industrialist: Most steel and energy resources combined.
Investor: Most Earth tags.
Landlord: Most tiles.
Landscaper: Most tiles connected together (each player counts his/her largest group of tiles).
Magnate: Most green cards.
Manufacturer: Highest production of steel and heat combined.
Metropolist: Most cities.
Miner: Having most steel and titanium resources combined.
Mogul: Highest production of steel, titanium, plants, energy, and heat combined (all except M€ production).
Politician: Most Party Leaders and influence combined.
Promoter: Most cards in your event pile.
Scientist: Most science tags.
Space Baron: Most space tags.
Suburbian: Most tiles on areas along the edges of the map.
Thermalist: Most heat resources.
Traveller: Most Jovian and Earth tags combined.
Visionary: Most cards in hand.
Zoologist: Most animal and microbe resources combined.


Is this a good fit for you?

You will love this expansion if :

  • You are already familiar with the base game
  • You want more variation between games
  • You want new milestones and awards to strive for

In this Collection

14,82 $
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