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We strive to keep all game-related items in stock, reprinting them when needed. If an item is out of stock, we have likely already ordered more of them, but feel free to shoot us an e-mail if you want to know more. Here is a list of products which are not currently being reprinted:

  1. Space Station – This game has now been released anew under the name StarScrappers: Orbital, which is available.
  2. Wilderness – We are working on a 2nd edition of this game and hope to bring this to you in 2024 or 2025.
  3. Fleets – Although sold out, the demand for this game is low. Let us know if you’re interested, it might lead to a new print!


We always have a lot of games in development. Some upcoming projects are:

  1. Prelude 2 for Terraforming Mars. This is a large project we launched on kickstarter in September 2023. It contains not only Prelude 2 as a new expansion, but also 4 new game boards like Hellas & Elysium, the Automa solo mode, variable Milestone & Award tiles, and more.
  2. Fate – Defenders of Grimheim. This project is older than the company, being developed for 15 years. Jonathan is the main designer and brings us to Norse Mythology for an epic and humoristic tower defense adventure. We aim to launch this on Kickstarter early 2024.
  3. Conquerors from the Milky Way – Based on our father’s game from the 70s, this strategic game of galactic conquest features simultaneous secret orders to outwit your opponents. Players control different factions coming from the Milky Way to colonize and control the new galaxy, battling over the richest star systems or the most strategic research centers.
  4. Recycle – In this down-to-earth game, players control small companies making a living by collecting trash from different parts of the city and develop recycling deals with companies to excel in the recycling business. Who would have thought collecting garbage would be so much fun?
  5. Kingdom Legacy – A solo legacy game where the player builds a kingdom over a 6 hour campaign, which can be extended into expansion content. Apart from other legacy games, we have aimed to make this game simple, fast to set up and tear down, and cheap.
  6. Castle Builder – Players of all ages build their castle. Will you build tall or wide, with windows or towers, will you have soldiers or duchesses living there? It is up to you in this fast, easy-to-learn family game.
  7. Wilderness, 2nd edition. Our first published game was Wilderness. It sold out in 2014 and we’ve wanted to reprint it ever since. But we also wanted to make it better. Now it is time for a 2nd edition, with streamlined rules, more immersive game play, and better art. It is a survival game where players are shipwrecked and drift ashore. They must survive or find civilization. The winner is the sole survivor, or the first player to reach civilization.

Terraforming Mars

We have 2 promo concepts when we release new cards.

  1. Season Promos – We release 1 new card every 3 months. This promo is added for free to any order from the web shop during that 3 month period, and is then removed from the shop until all 4 season promos for that year have had their turn. The first promo each year is the Spring Season Promo, starting on March 1st, the last is the Winter Season, ending on February 28th. On March 1st, we release all 4 season promos from the previous year as a set, together with 1 additional promo which is usually published through other media, making it a 5-card pack.
  2. Kickstarter Campaigns – When we do a campaign, we make a new promo pack for that campaign, generally containing roughly 20 cards. If you backed that campaign, you automatically got that promo pack!

If you don’t have any promos, check out the Promo Pack Bundle, it contains all currently available promos.

Promo Packs in order of release:

  1. Original Promo Pack – 4 project cards and 3 corporation cards. The corporations were the winners of a corporation creation contest on BoardGameGeek.
  2. Turmoil Kickstarter Promo Pack – 12 project cards, 3 corporations, 5 Global Events. Released as part of the Kickstarter Campaign for the Turmoil expansion. NOTE: Only 6 of these cards require the Turmoil expansion to play with, the other 14 can be added regardless of which expansions you play with.
  3. Big Box Kickstarter Promo Pack – 18 project cards, 2 corporations. Released as part of the Kickstarter Campaign for the Big Box. All cards are playable with any combination of expansions.
  4. 2021 Season Promo Pack – 5 project cards.
  5. 2022 Season Promo Pack – 5 prelude cards. Requires the Prelude expansion to play.
  6. 2023 Season Promo Pack – 5 project cards. Will be released on March 1st, 2024

There are 9 expansions for Terraforming Mars. We describe each one briefly below, in order of complexity.

  1. Hellas & Elysium – This expansion adds 1 double-sided game board that will replace the main board in the game. Each side features new placement bonuses, new milestones, new awards, and a scientifically correct map of another region of Mars. Great for variety when you’ve played the game a bunch of times.
  2. Utopia & Cimmeria – Released on Kickstarter in 2023, will be delivered and released publicly in 2024. Just like Hellas & Elysium, this is simply a new double-sided game board for more variety. The concepts of these boards were developed by the fan community over the years.
  3. Amazonis & Vastitas – Released on Kickstarter in 2023, will be delivered and released publicly in 2024. Just like Hellas & Elysium, this is simply a new double-sided game board for more variety. However, Amazonis is an expanded map which adds terraforming steps at the end of the temperature, oxygen, and ocean parameters, and adds more space on the board for tiles, making it better suited for longer games or for 4-5 player games.
  4. Prelude – This expansion is the highest rated expansion. It gives players a jump-start into the game with powerful Prelude Cards they pick at the start of the game. It makes the game shorter and throws the players straight into the action of the game.
  5. Prelude 2 – Released on Kickstarter in 2023, will be delivered and released publicly in 2024. This expansion expands on the previous Prelude expansion, adding more prelude cards, more project cards, and more corporations, most of them focused on cross-expansion effects. Its value increases for each other expansion you play with.
  6. Venus Next – This expansion focuses on the parallel terraforming of Venus. It adds a side board with a new terraforming track, it adds a new resource type, a new tag, new project cards, and new corporations. It adds almost no new rules, but expands the game through familiar concepts.
  7. Colonies – This expansion lets players trade with colonies in the Solar system. It adds new mechanics for building and trading with colonies, which adds interaction between the players.
  8. Turmoil – There are people living on Mars, and they have their social movements which will determine public policies which affect the terraforming corporations. In this expansion, you navigate the political landscape, lobbying for the movement that best profits your agenda. You also need the help of the terraforming committee to avoid the worst of the upcoming Global Events. This expansion is the most advanced, adding many rules and much more player interaction as they struggle for power. The game time is also prolonged.
  9. Automa – Released on Kickstarter in 2023, will be delivered and released publicly in 2024. This is a solo-only expansion which replaces the original solo game with a fully fledged solo mode with simulated opponents, for a meatier experience. Developed by Dávid Turczi, known for making solo modes for many popular games.